We value diversity, equality, respect and support and we work to bring our values into the Prequel Community. That is why any discriminating, aggressive content, promoting bullying, hate or any other violence and intolerance to individuals or groups of people based on certain attributes is forbidden. These attributes include:
- Content somehow discriminating, attacking, or, in contrary, promoting hatred, harm, or violence towards, individuals or groups based on following protected attributes:
- Race
- Ethnicity
- Ancestry
- National origin or immigration status
- Religious affiliation
- Caste
- Gender
- Gender identity
- Sexual orientation
- Age
- Disability (physical or mental)
- Disease.
- Content depicting any logos, symbols, flags, slurs, negative stereotypes, uniforms, salutes, gestures, caricatures, illustrations, or names of individuals related to hateful ideologies;
- Content, condoning, idolizing, or trivializing violent events that have occurred or may occur based on someone’s membership in a protected attribute;
- Content that somehow denies well-documented factual events have taken place or portraying such events as hoaxes or conspiracy theories;
- Content glorifying, commending, or idolizing perpetrators of any kind of violent events;
- Content that somehow dehumanizing or degrading individuals or groups based on a protected attributeContent that justifying, normalizing or promoting exclusions or segregation of individuals or groups based on a protected attributeContent reinforcing or spreading harmful or negative stereotypes.
Only certain content, created for tribute, condolence, educational purposes will not be deleted by the moderator.